Fei Xiang
MS/PhD Student
Fei Xiang received his B.S. in Applied Chemistry from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2020. His graduation project is the study of carbon-based oxygen electrocatalytic materials used in fuel cells and metal-air batteries.
Fei is the recipient of many Awards (National Scholarship in 2017 & 2019, National Encouragement Scholarship, 2018, 1st Prize, The 10th Mathematics Competition of Chinese College, 2018, Outstanding Graduates of UESTC, 2020, Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis of UESTC, 2020)
Fei joined Primalight Lab in Sep. 2020. Fei’s researches focus on the design and fabrication of high-performance PEC devices for solar energy conversion and storage.
email: fei.xiang@kaust.edu.sa
location: building 1, level 4, 4200-WS33