A new sustainable green cycle for coal in enhanced water economy
Initial press release on this discovery
Perfect secrecy cryptography on classical optical channels
An initial press release covering this discovery ranging from Forbes, OSA OPN News, The London Globe, The Inbdependent, The Telegraph, The Daily Mail, Yahoo, .... and other news agencies all over the world.
Research on warped space materials published on Nature Comm. highlighted on Nature Nanotechnology
The electric field intensity near a silver nanoparticle is enhanced by virtue of surface plasmons. When a molecule experiences such a high electric field, it gives out an intense Raman spectrum, and this effect has been used for spectroscopic and analytical purposes....
Full Steam Ahead on Clean Water!
Scarcity of clean water and poor access to sanitation are identified as global challenges, which are expected to grow worse in the near future. Sea water desalination is one of the currently discussed technologies that could solve this problem. One way of doing this...
World record efficient plasmonic broadband photocatalyst for clean hydrogen energy
Releases from different news outlets on this discovery
A firefly’s flash inspires new nanolaser light
A reinvented, low-cost laser source that stores light energy inside nanoscale disks could underpin the development of optically powered neurocomputers, reveals a simulation study led by KAUST researchers (Nature Communications, "Anapole nanolasers for mode-locking and...
Metamaterials: bird feathers inspire robust colour
Nature Photonics on the Photonics groups at KAUST
An Editorial on Nature Photonics has been written on the Photonics activity of KAUST University!
Nature Photonics Interview
Andrea Fratalocchi was recently interviewed by Nature Photonics on his research at KAUST. Read the full interview here
Nature nanotech: Early career focus issue
Nature Nanotechnology selected A. Fratalocchi’s research on energy harvesting for an early career focus issue. Read the full article here
Nature Middle East interview
Andrea Fratalocchi was recently interviewed by Nature Middle East on his research and KAUST Read the full interview here
The darkest material
A small selection of the initial press release after the appearance of the article as advanced online publication in Nature website:
Tsunami on demand in optical chips
Initial press release appeared after the online publication of the article on Nature website:
Chaotic energy harvesting
A brief selection of press releases, from Yahoo Finance to Wall Street Journal, after our discovery on chaotic harvesting of broadband electromagnetic energy.
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