Andrea Fratalocchi selected as Editor of Scientific Reports, NPG
Andrea Fratalocchi has been named Editor for the Physics section of the online journal Scientific Reports, edited by the Nature Publishing Group. The recently born journal covers many different areas of interest, and is characterized by being open-access,...
PhD student Juan Totero Gongora won the best presentation award on his work regarding disorder-enhanced plasmonic nanolenses
PRIMALIGHT group is proud to announce that Juan won the best presentation award at the “Frontiers of Modern Optics”, a summer event that brought together the most well known experts in the field. His work was about nanofocusing of light with disordered nanolenses....
Andrea Fratalocchi Awarded as “Exceptional Referee” of Nature Journals
Andrea Fratalocchi has been awarded as an Exceptional Referee of Nature Journals. His contribution was rewarded with a one year free subscription to nature journals. In the past, Andrea Fratalocchi was awarded as exceptional referee of Nature in 2012
Andrea Fratalocchi elevated as senior member of the IEEE
As recognition for his contributions to the field, Andrea Fratalocchi has been awarded the highest degree of recognition awarded by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to its members.
Primalight entered in the Guiness World record for the “Darkest Material Created by Man”
Black, technically, is not a color but the absence of colors. It is the complete opposite of white or the presence of all colors. Something appears black because it does not reflect light or absorbs most of the light that hits its surface. Conversely, something...
Andrea Fratalocchi has been elected Fellow of the IOP
Andrea Fratalocchi, associate professor in the University's Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering (CEMSE) division, was recently granted a Fellowship of the Institute of Physics (FInstP) by the Institute of Physics (IOP). Fratalocchi was...
PhD student Valerio Mazzone awarded at META 18
PhD student Valerio Mazzone won the best poster Award at META 2018, the premiere conference in matematerials and photonics. The work of Valerio carried out a study on new exotic invisible states of light, called Anapoles, which do not interact with the electromagnetic...
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